Source code for streaming.multimodal.webvid

# Copyright 2023 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""A streaming WebVid dataset."""

from typing import Any

from streaming.base import StreamingDataset

[docs]class StreamingWebVid(StreamingDataset): """Streaming WebVid dataset. Args: local (str): Local dataset directory where shards are cached by split. remote (str, optional): Download shards from this remote path or directory. If None, this rank and worker's partition of the dataset must all exist locally. Defaults to ``None``. split (str, optional): Which dataset split to use, if any. Defaults to ``None``. shuffle (bool): Whether to iterate over the samples in randomized order. Defaults to ``False``. predownload (int, optional): Target number of samples ahead to download the shards of while iterating. Defaults to ``100_000``. keep_zip (bool, optional): Whether to keep or delete the compressed file when decompressing downloaded shards. If set to None, keep iff remote is local. Defaults to ``None``. download_retry (int): Number of download re-attempts before giving up. Defaults to ``2``. download_timeout (float): Number of seconds to wait for a shard to download before raising an exception. Defaults to ``60``. validate_hash (str, optional): Optional hash or checksum algorithm to use to validate shards. Defaults to ``None``. shuffle_seed (int): Seed for Deterministic data shuffling. Defaults to ``9176``. num_canonical_nodes (int, optional): Canonical number of nodes for shuffling with resumption. Defaults to ``None``, which is interpreted as the number of nodes of the initial run. batch_size (int, optional): Batch size of its DataLoader, which affects how the dataset is partitioned over the workers. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Any: obj = super().__getitem__(idx) # Processing goes here. return obj