Source code for streaming.base.local

# Copyright 2023 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""A non-streaming pytorch map Dataset."""

import json
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
from import Dataset

from streaming.base.format import reader_from_json
from streaming.base.index import Index, get_index_basename

__all__ = ['LocalDataset']

[docs]class LocalDataset(Dataset): """A streaming dataset whose shards reside locally as a pytorch Dataset. Args: local (str): Local dataset directory where shards are cached by split. split (str, optional): Which dataset split to use, if any. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__(self, local: str, split: Optional[str] = None): split = split or '' self.local = local self.split = split filename = os.path.join(local, split, get_index_basename()) # pyright: ignore obj = json.load(open(filename)) if obj['version'] != 2: raise ValueError('Unsupported version') self.shards = [] for info in obj['shards']: shard = reader_from_json(local, split, info) self.shards.append(shard) shard_sizes = np.array([x.samples for x in self.shards]) self.index = Index(shard_sizes) def __len__(self) -> int: """Get the length as an IterableDataset. Returns: int: Dataset length. """ return self.index.total_samples def __getitem__(self, sample_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get sample by global sample ID. Args: sample_id (int): Sample ID. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Column name with sample data. """ shard_id, index_in_shard = self.index.find_sample(sample_id) shard = self.shards[shard_id] return shard[index_in_shard]