πŸš€ Quick Start#

Start training your model with the Streaming dataset in a few steps!

  1. Convert your raw dataset into one of our supported streaming formats, for example, mds (Mosaic Data Shard) format.

    import numpy as np
    from PIL import Image
    from uuid import uuid4
    from streaming import MDSWriter
    # Directory path to store the output compressed files
    dirname = 'dirname'
    # A dictionary of input fields to an Encoder/Decoder type
    columns = {
        'uuid': 'str',
        'img': 'jpeg',
        'clf': 'int'
    # Compression algorithm name
    compression = 'zstd'
    # Hash algorithm name
    hashes = 'sha1', 'xxh64'
    # Generates random images and classes for input sample
    samples = [
            'uuid': str(uuid4()),
            'img': Image.fromarray(np.random.randint(0, 256, (32, 48, 3), np.uint8)),
            'clf': np.random.randint(10),
        for _ in range(1000)
    # Call `MDSWriter` to iterate through the input data and write into a shard `mds` file
    with MDSWriter(dirname, columns, compression, hashes) as out:
        for sample in samples:
  2. Upload your streaming dataset to the cloud based storage of your choice (e.g., AWS S3). Below is one example of uploading a directory to an S3 bucket using AWS CLI.

    $ aws s3 cp dirname s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive
  3. Replace the original torch.utils.data.IterableDataset with your new streaming.StreamingDataset.

    from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
    from streaming import StreamingDataset
    # Remote directory (S3 or local filesystem) where dataset is stored
    remote_dir = 's3://datapath'
    # Local directory where dataset is cached during operation
    local_dir = 'local_dir'
    dataset = StreamingDataset(local=local_dir, remote=remote_dir, split=None, shuffle=True)
    # Create PyTorch DataLoader
    dataloader = DataLoader(dataset)

That’s it! For additional details on using streaming, please check out our User Guide and Examples.

Happy training!