Source code for streaming.text.c4

# Copyright 2022-2024 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""C4 (Colossal Cleaned Common Crawl) dataset.

This dataset is a colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus and it is based on
the `Common Crawl <>`_ dataset.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from import AutoTokenizer

from streaming.base import StreamingDataset

__all__ = ['StreamingC4']

[docs]class StreamingC4(StreamingDataset): """Implementation of the C4 (Colossal Cleaned Common Crawl) dataset using StreamingDataset. Args: remote (str, optional): Remote path or directory to download the dataset from. If ``None``, its data must exist locally. StreamingDataset uses either ``streams`` or ``remote``/``local``. Defaults to ``None``. local (str, optional): Local working directory to download shards to. This is where shards are cached while they are being used. Uses a temp directory if not set. StreamingDataset uses either ``streams`` or ``remote``/``local``. Defaults to ``None``. split (str, optional): Which dataset split to use, if any. If provided, we stream from/to the ``split`` subdirs of ``remote`` and ``local``. Defaults to ``None``. download_retry (int): Number of download re-attempts before giving up. Defaults to ``2``. download_timeout (float): Number of seconds to wait for a shard to download before raising an exception. Defaults to ``60``. validate_hash (str, optional): Optional hash or checksum algorithm to use to validate shards. Defaults to ``None``. keep_zip (bool): Whether to keep or delete the compressed form when decompressing downloaded shards. If ``False``, keep iff remote is local or no remote. Defaults to ``False``. epoch_size (int, optional): Number of samples to draw per epoch balanced across all streams. If ``None``, takes its value from the total number of underlying samples. Provide this field if you are weighting streams relatively to target a larger or smaller epoch size. Defaults to ``None``. predownload (int, optional): Target number of samples to download per worker in advance of current sample. Workers will attempt to download ahead by this many samples during, but not before, training. Recommendation is to provide a value greater than per device batch size to ensure at-least per device batch size number of samples cached locally. If ``None``, its value gets derived using per device batch size and number of canonical nodes ``max(batch_size, 256 * batch_size // num_canonical_nodes)``. Defaults to ``None``. cache_limit (int, optional): Maximum size in bytes of this StreamingDataset's shard cache. Before downloading a shard, the least recently used resident shard(s) may be evicted (deleted from the local cache) in order to stay under the limit. Set to ``None`` to disable shard eviction. Defaults to ``None``. partition_algo (str): Which partitioning algorithm to use. Defaults to ``orig``. num_canonical_nodes (int, optional): Canonical number of nodes for shuffling with resumption. The sample space is divided evenly according to the number of canonical nodes. The higher the value, the more independent non-overlapping paths the StreamingDataset replicas take through the shards per model replica (increasing data source diversity). Defaults to ``None``, which is interpreted as 64 times the number of nodes of the initial run. .. note:: For sequential sample ordering, set ``shuffle`` to ``False`` and ``num_canonical_nodes`` to the number of physical nodes of the initial run. batch_size (int, optional): Per-device batch size, the same as what is passed to the DataLoader. This affects how the dataset is partitioned over the workers and is necessary for deterministic resumption and optimal performance. Defaults to ``None``. shuffle (bool): Whether to iterate over the samples in randomized order. Defaults to ``False``. shuffle_algo (str): Which shuffling algorithm to use. Defaults to ``py1s``. shuffle_seed (int): Seed for Deterministic data shuffling. Defaults to ``9176``. shuffle_block_size (int): Unit of shuffle. Defaults to ``1 << 18``. tokenizer_name (str): The name of the HuggingFace tokenizer to use to tokenize samples. max_seq_len (int): The max sequence length of each token sample. group_method (str): How to group text samples into token samples. Currently only supporting ``'truncate'``. """ def __init__(self, *, remote: Optional[str] = None, local: Optional[str] = None, split: Optional[str] = None, download_retry: int = 2, download_timeout: float = 60, validate_hash: Optional[str] = None, keep_zip: bool = False, epoch_size: Optional[int] = None, predownload: Optional[int] = None, cache_limit: Optional[int] = None, partition_algo: str = 'orig', num_canonical_nodes: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = False, shuffle_algo: str = 'py1s', shuffle_seed: int = 9176, shuffle_block_size: int = 1 << 18, tokenizer_name: str, max_seq_len: int, group_method: str) -> None: if group_method not in {'truncate'}: raise ValueError(f"group_method='{group_method}' must be one of {'truncate'}.") super().__init__(remote=remote, local=local, split=split, download_retry=download_retry, download_timeout=download_timeout, validate_hash=validate_hash, keep_zip=keep_zip, epoch_size=epoch_size, predownload=predownload, cache_limit=cache_limit, partition_algo=partition_algo, num_canonical_nodes=num_canonical_nodes, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, shuffle_algo=shuffle_algo, shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed, shuffle_block_size=shuffle_block_size) self.tokenizer_name = tokenizer_name self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.group_method = group_method # Build tokenizer self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tokenizer_name) if self.tokenizer.pad_token is None: # Some tokenizers (e.g. GPT2 tokenizer) have no padding token which causes bugs self.tokenizer.pad_token = self.tokenizer.eos_token def _tokenize(self, text_sample: Dict[str, Any]): """Apply the tokenizer to a sample. Args: text_sample (Dict[str, Any]): Sample to tokenize. """ if self.group_method == 'truncate': truncation = True padding = 'max_length' max_length = self.max_seq_len else: raise ValueError(f'Got unknown group_method={self.group_method}.') return self.tokenizer(text_sample['text'], truncation=truncation, padding=padding, max_length=max_length)
[docs] def get_item(self, idx: int) -> Any: """Get sample by global index, blocking to load its shard if missing. Args: idx (int): Sample index. Returns: Any: Sample data. """ text_sample = super().get_item(idx) token_sample = self._tokenize(text_sample) # Skip any token grouping, currently only supporting group_method='truncate' return token_sample