Source code for streaming.base.shuffle.py2s

# Copyright 2022-2024 MosaicML Streaming authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Shuffling algorithm that shuffles intra-shard in two places.

This algorithm is roughly half as fast as algorithm ``py1s``, but ever so slightly more random.

from typing import List

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

class _Shard(object):
    """Shard ID paired with its sample IDs.

        index (int): Shard ID.
        samples (NDArray[np.int64]): Sample IDs

    def __init__(self, index: int, samples: NDArray[np.int64]) -> None:
        self.index = index
        self.samples = samples

def _create_shards(sizes: NDArray[np.int64]) -> List[_Shard]:
    """Get the sample ID range for each shard.

        sizes (NDArray[np.int64]): Number of samples for each shard.

        List[_Shard]: List of shard objects.
    shards = []
    ends = sizes.cumsum()
    begins = ends - sizes
    for shard, (begin, end) in enumerate(zip(begins, ends)):
        shard = _Shard(shard, np.arange(begin, end))
    return shards

def _shards_to_samples(shards: List[_Shard]) -> NDArray[np.int64]:
    """Collect the sample IDs of the given shards into a single array.

        shards (List[_Shard]): The given shards.

        NDArray[np.int64]: Their sample IDs.
    for shard in shards:
        if len(shard.samples):
            arrs = [shard.samples for shard in shards]
            return np.concatenate(arrs)
    return np.array([], np.int64)

def _partition(shards: List[_Shard], num_parts: int) -> List[List[_Shard]]:
    """Divide the given shards into partitions (groupings of shards).

    Warning: don't use `shards` after this, as its memory is recycled into the returned partitions
    for performance reasons.

        shards (List[_Shard]): List of shards to partition.
        num_parts (int): Number of groupings to divide shards into.

        List[List[_Shard]]: Partitions of shards.
    total_samples = sum(len(x.samples) for x in shards)
    lists = []
    shard_index = 0
    samples_so_far = 0
    for part in range(num_parts):
        part_end = total_samples * (part + 1) // num_parts

        new_shards = []
        while True:
            if shard_index == len(shards):

            shard = shards[shard_index]
            samples_this_shard = len(shard.samples)
            if part_end < samples_so_far + samples_this_shard:
                if samples_so_far < part_end:
                    split = part_end - samples_so_far
                    new_shard = _Shard(shard.index, shard.samples[:split])
                    shards[shard_index].samples = shard.samples[split:]
                    samples_so_far += split

            shard_index += 1
            samples_so_far += samples_this_shard

        new_shards = []
    return lists

[docs]def get_shuffle_py2s(shard_sizes: NDArray[np.int64], num_canonical_nodes: int, seed: int, epoch: int, block_size: int = 1 << 18) -> NDArray[np.int64]: """Get the shuffled global ordering of samples for an epoch. The assignment of shards to nodes is fixed across epochs, but each grouping of shards is processed concurrently in a different order by each node's workers each epoch. Args: shard_sizes (NDArray[np.int64]): Number of samples contained in each shard, in order. num_canonical_nodes (int): Number of canonical nodes. seed (int): Base random seed, which is held constant over an entire training run. epoch (int): Current epoch, which is added to the seed to get a different deterministic shuffle each epoch. block_size (int): Unit of shuffle (ignored, because we shuffle on the basis of shards). Defaults to ``1 << 18``. Returns: NDArray[np.int64]: 1:1 mapping of sample ID to shuffled sample ID. """ # Initiailze the sample ID range for each shard. shards = _create_shards(shard_sizes) # Do the initial fixed scattering of shards over the sample space. fixed_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) fixed_rng.shuffle(shards) # pyright: ignore for shard in shards: fixed_rng.shuffle(shard.samples) # Shuffle uniquely for the current epoch within each canonical rank. parts = _partition(shards, num_canonical_nodes) epoch_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed + epoch) for shards in parts: epoch_rng.shuffle(shards) # pyright: ignore for shard in shards: epoch_rng.shuffle(shard.samples) # Flatten the shard spans to their sample IDs, then concatenate those into a global list. arrs = list(map(_shards_to_samples, parts)) return np.concatenate(arrs)